Monday, April 30, 2012

Chapter 4: April showers, wild flowers and BIG, BIG trees!

 Welcome back to my little Happiness Project.

January: Be Sarah- I am already enough.  Smile when you wake up.  Keep on top of health, work, living arrangements, chores, activities, exercise and be grateful.
February: Make mistakes. Do you best.  Be Generous.
March: Be present. Be Patient. Don’t settle for “I am here…” go for “Here I am!”
April: Go somewhere new! Make some “I was here” footprints. Life is full of setbacks.  Success is determined by how you handle your setbacks.

April has whirled by! I really enjoy travel and adventure, so part of my April goal was to go somewhere new and make some “I was here” footprints.  I decided it was time to see the Redwood trees and took a road trip to check them out. There is something exhilarating about traveling down roads you have never journeyed on before. I love the way you can never tell what is coming up around the next bend in the road and the great surprise when you find something beautiful and new.  It was amazing to camp at the base of trees big enough to drive a car through and enjoy the soft misty mornings and rich, foresty smell.  Pearl, my adventure dog, came along and loved fetching sticks in the rivers and playing in the ocean surf along the coast. If anyone has a lead on a job that includes travel and adventure and a dog…please let me know so I can apply! 

The second part of my April project was about setbacks.  Success is determined by how you handle your setbacks.  I can’t say I know many people who don’t want to be successful.  I believe it is part of human nature and also engrained in my generation to be as successful as early in life as possible. What “success” looks like for each person can be drastically different.  I also believe there is a big difference between being perceived as successful and actually FEELING successful.  Setback: my car needed three major repairs all at once. Success: car repairs were under warranty (just barely).  Setback: rejected for a few jobs. Success: applied for more than a dozen other jobs and tried networking like crazy. Setback: unexpected bills. Success: took on extra work. I tend to look my setbacks straight on and with as much confidence as I can muster say, “You won’t beat me. I will find a way to overcome this.” And if that doesn’t work there is always chocolate, a good laugh and a chance to try again tomorrow.

Remember these are not just mini-month long experiments, but things that I will continue to carry throughout the year.  Next month I’ll continue to add to my growing list of ideas for how to live a happier life.  Feel free to try them out with me! 

May: Be loving and love will come looking for you. Get creative with your life.

"Creativity can be described as letting go of certainties." – Gail Sheehy