Friday, November 30, 2012

Chapter 11: November - Kisses and Hugs

The art of being happy lies in the power of extracting happiness from common things.
Henry Ward Beecher

This month's HAPPINESS goal was, "Expect good things, worry less, love more." 

Expecting goodness might seem, at first, an entitled attitude, but I believe we are all entitled to happiness.  Even the US declaration of independence gives us the well known phrase, "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."  I like to think that our expectation, and our hopefulness for good things is just a very simple form of pursuing our own happiness.  Good things for this month include:  Meeting not one, but two new friends, extraordinarily beautiful weather and extended outdoors time exercising, volunteering, seeing fun movies, good health, taking a trip to Florida and spending Thanksgiving among a wonderful family. I am so very grateful for all the many good things in my life.

Worry less. Easier said than done. I would say one of the greatest predators of happiness is worry.  We all fall into it.  It is such a waste of our most precious life currency---our time. Why spend time fretting over a problem that might not even come to be?  Three very basic ways to combat worry (especially during the busy holiday season) are:
 Focus on the short term rather than the long term - What is right here, right now that needs your attention?
Instead of worrying, prepare - Take time to plan ahead so that fears and "bumps in the road" won't derail you.
Acceptance is the ticket - Got a problem? Try accepting the situation and move forward to dealing with the aftermath.  This super simple shift in thinking is the difference between hazardous-to-your health worry and constructive-conscious problem solving.

Last,BUT NOT LEAST happiness goal for November was to LOVE MORE.  I remember as a little girl, saying goodbye to my grandfather and he asked me, "Do you have one more kiss and a squeeze (hug) for your Grandpa?" I remember thinking what an interesting question that was.  Do we ever run out of kisses?  Could it be that someday I wouldn't have enough hugs to give them out anymore?  I played along replying that I was all out of kisses and hugs, but when it came time to get in the car I ran back to him and shared all the hugs and kisses I had with me.  People who have even a modicum of happiness don't run out of love.  It doesn't dry up- go extinct - or get empty. Cultivating happiness in your personal life has plenty of wonderful side effects, but one of the best ones I have discovered is that you have an unending supply of love to offer the world.  Love your family, friends, home, lifestyle, love your morning cup of tea or how good it feels to get into a cozy bed at the end of a long day. There is plenty to love, so go ahead and try it with me. Love more. You won't run out. 

Next month completes a year of this happiness journey I have set out on. 
The goal for next month is simple: spread joy.  I can't wait! 

All happy people are grateful. Ungrateful people cannot be happy. We tend to think that being unhappy leads people to complain, but it’s truer to say that complaining leads to people becoming unhappy. -Dennis Prager

I wish you happiness!

Remember these are not just mini-month long experiments, but things that I will continue to carry throughout the year.  Next month I’ll continue to add to my growing list of ideas for how to live a happier life.  Feel free to try them out with me! 
  • January: Be Sarah- I am already enough.  Smile when you wake up.  Keep on top of health, work, living arrangements, chores, activities, exercise and be grateful.
  • February: Make mistakes. Do you best.  Be Generous.
  • March: Be present. Be Patient. Don’t settle for “I am here…” go for “Here I am!”
  • April: Go somewhere new! Make some “I was here” footprints. Life is full of setbacks.  Success is determined by how you handle your setbacks.
  • May: Be loving and love will come looking for you. Get creative with your life.
  • June: Keep in touch with friends. Get outside!
  • July: Be Fearless
  • August: Explore; find Joy!
  • September: Create something that wasn't there before.  Learn to like something new.
  • October: GO BIG!
  • November:  Expect good things, worry less, love more.
  • December:  Spread Joy.

1 comment:

  1. Worry less? That is such a difficult thing to do. Let me know if you figure out how to do it. Maybe you can give me lessons!
