Monday, December 31, 2012

Chapter 12: December-Reflections of Joy

December had a very simple Happiness goal. Spread Joy.  

When I decided that this would be a happiness goal for December I honestly thought it would be soooooo easy considering the holiday season throws the word joy around in advertisements, songs, even cards and wrapping paper sport the word in big flashy shiny holiday colors. It is much easier to tell if I am finding joy in my own life, but how do you ever really know if you have spread any of it?  Answer: I am not sure if you really can.  This is a strange joy conundrum that requires a bit of imagination and trust. My inspiration for this season of joy is not gift giving so much as it is this: " I have learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." -Maya Angelou

As for me...December had TONS of joy in it! I reconnected with a long time friend, tried new restaurants, directed a huge choir tour and concert series, make a point to take better care and pamper my body, welcomed home a soldier safely from Afghanistan, traveled, visited my family, connected with friends, was spoiled for my birthday, played games, played in the snow, played with friends, danced, sang, poured out all the love I have with as much energy as I could. December was happy and exhausting!

My experience with music has taught me something very important about directing musicians and leading my life.  A great director must give  their ALL, holding nothing back, because the response will be only a dim reflection of everything  they can offer.  Pour out all the passion, pain, love, joy, intensity you possibly can in those wonderful moments and see what little ripples come of it.  So where am I going with this?  Did I buy gifts to celebrate the holiday? Yes.  Did I chat and catch up with family and friends? Yes. Did I spread joy? Who knows.  I gave it my ALL and held nothing back. I can hope that somewhere there is a dim reflection of my own joy and the happiness I have been learning to pursue throughout this year. 

I still have plenty to learn about cultivating my own happiness, but I am very proud to have spent a year on this personal project.  I will continue the journey in the years to come and look forward to new adventures! 

"She danced. She sang. She took. She gave, served and loved. She dissented, grew and enlivened.  She saw, sweated, changed and learned.  She laughed.  She shed her skin.  She bled on the pages of her days.  She lived with intention."  - Mary Anne Radmacher


  • January: Be Sarah- I am already enough.  Smile when you wake up.  Keep on top of health, work, living arrangements, chores, activities, exercise and be grateful.
  • February: Make mistakes. Do you best.  Be Generous.
  • March: Be present. Be Patient. Don’t settle for “I am here…” go for “Here I am!”
  • April: Go somewhere new! Make some “I was here” footprints. Life is full of setbacks.  Success is determined by how you handle your setbacks.
  • May: Be loving and love will come looking for you. Get creative with your life.
  • June: Keep in touch with friends. Get outside!
  • July: Be Fearless
  • August: Explore; find Joy!
  • September: Create something that wasn't there before.  Learn to like something new.
  • October: GO BIG!
  • November:  Expect good things, worry less, love more.
  • December:  Spread Joy.


  1. Yay for you Sarah! So glad you did this and even more glad you documented it. I love that last quote - and I see you living it out! Nicely done! Love you!

  2. You spread joy wherever you are. I'm just so happy to be a recipient. Love, Terry
